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Member Benefits

Additional Business Membership

Members can receive a $100 discount on additional businesses they have at least 50% ownership in and receive all the benefits of the primary membership.


As a member, you are provided with several advertising and sponsorship opportunities to receive business exposure through any of our events and publications.

Brochure/Business Card Distribution Center

Members may supply the Chamber’s Information Center with brochures and/or business cards for display where businesses, residents and visitors can obtain them.

Business After Hours

An event co-sponsored by the Chamber and a member firm for the purpose of showcasing your business products and services and for bringing members together to network and increase their business contacts.

Business Referrals

The Chamber receives numerous referrals for information about local businesses. Only members are referred.

Business Referral Directory

The Chamber publishes a directory which lists all member businesses and business categories free to members.

Business Resource Center

In addition to the Chamber offering valuable business resources to its member businesses, the Chamber building houses the Rochester Main Street office to provide assistance to downtown businesses.

Capital Connect

Your Chamber is a member of the Business & Industry Association of NH's (BIA) Capitol Connect. Therefore, small business members (10 employees or less), who remain members of their local chamber, receive a no-cost, affiliate membership in the BIA. Capitol Connect extends many BIA benefits at no cost, including a) access to the deliberations of the NH Legislature, governor and state agencies; b) Periodic “call-to-action” communications from the BIA on legislative matters affecting the business community; c) Weekly E-Brief; d) Weekly Legislative Review, and e) BIA member pricing for all events to which the public is invited. For more information, click here.

Certificates of Origin

The Chamber provides Certificates of Origin that are needed to certify the country of origin before a product can be exported.

Committee Involvement

Members and their employees can get involved with Chamber committees which provide an opportunity to meet other businesses and increase business contacts.

Community Calendar (Online)

The Chamber provides an online Community Calendar to provide residents and visitors with information on upcoming community events. Community organizations are encouraged to post their community events on the Chamber's Community Calendar.

Constant Contact

Chamber members receive a discount on their Constant Contact subscription.  Use this email marketing program to promote your business.

Dining Guide

The Chamber provides an Online Dining Guide on the Chamber's website which lists member restaurant's contact information and provides a map indicating their locations. A Rochester Dining Guide is also published to promote dining options in and around the City. Visit the dining guide at

Email Blast Promotion

The Chamber offers its members the opportunity to submit articles to be included in Chamber Member News e-blasts that are sent out twice per month.

Enhanced Membership Website Listing

Members are given the opportunity to enhance their online membership listing for an annual fee of $100. Enhanced listings allow members to upload a website ecard, photo gallery, search photo logo, YouTube video, expanded 1600 character business description, up to 20 key words and more.

Governmental Affairs

The Chamber represents the unified voice of Northern Strafford County's business community to local and state elected officials on issues impacting business.

Information Center

The Chamber displays and distributes community information including magazines, maps, bus schedules, calendars, relocation packages, postcards, and tourist attraction brochures.

Job Postings

Members can post their job openings on the Chamber’s website free of charge. Postings will automatically be published on the website and our social media pages.

Membership List

Members can obtain a membership mailing list, in an excel format, of Chamber members. A complimentary membership mailing list can be provided to new members upon joining.

New Business Welcome Packages

Members may provide promotional items to include in the Chamber’s “Welcome to Rochester” packages that are distributed to new businesses in Rochester.

New Member Announcement

The Chamber announces new members on social, website, in the  newsletter, and member news e-blast to provide information about your business.


The Chamber publishes an electronic monthly UPDATE newsletter and mails it quarterly to inform members of upcoming events and programs, committee news, legislative updates, etc.  Free member news column included and advertising opportunities available.

News Releases (Online)

Members can submit news releases through their online member portal free of charge, These news releases are posted immediately to the Chamber's website and social media accounts upon approval.

Notary Service

The Chamber has a New Hampshire State authorized Notary Public in the office during business hours for your convenience.

Professional & Dedicated Staff

Your Chamber has a team of professional and dedicated staff members here to provide you with information and help promote your business.  Staff members are available every day to assist members with whatever needs they may have.

Programs and Seminars

Programs include seminars and a variety of topics of concern to area businesses.


The Chamber publishes and distributes community information such as demographic profiles, community magazine, street maps, Legislative Guide, Rochester Area Dining Guide, and the Business Referral Directory.

Ribbon Cutting/Groundbreaking Ceremonies

Free advertising opportunity, coordinated by the Chamber, to announce member grand openings, anniversary, business relocation and ground breaking ceremonies in the local newspapers.

Scholarship Program

As a benefit of Chamber membership, member employees and children of those employed at a member business are eligible to apply for a $500 scholarship that is awarded in a student’s second year of attendance at a full-time college, university, trade school, or technical school. Members are given the opportunity to donate towards the fund by becoming a Chamber Scholarship Champion and receiving recognition.  Members can also receive recognition by being a Scholarship Champion to benefit scholarship recipients.

Social Media

The Chamber uses social media outlets Facebook and Twitter to communicate with members and the general public about what’s going on at the Chamber.  As a member, you are provided with the opportunity to advertise your business promotions and events for free by providing the Chamber with information that can be posted to these media sources.  Find us on Facebook at; on Twitter at; or on LinkedIn at

Testimonial Ads

The Chamber offers members the opportunity to have their business in the spotlight by offering a testimonial. Simply tell us how being a Chamber member has helped your business succeed and how you, or your employees, have become involved in Chamber committees or activities. We will create an ad that will be displayed for one month on the Chamber website, newsletter and Rochester Community Channel.

Web Site

All members are promoted FREE on the Chamber website’s online membership directory located at
Members are offered a number of advertising opportunities on the Chamber website including a Banner Ad at the top of a page for $600/year.  Up to 3 ads can be set up to rotate on a page (same ads on each page or different ads on additional pages). An Enhanced Listing on the Chamber website can increase your business visibility as it provides a mini web page that you can populate with a longer business description, logo, photos, video and more for $100/year. Multiple Business Category so that your business can be found under multiple business categories for $25/additional category (main category is free as noted above).

Web Site Member Portal

Members have the ability to log in to their member portal allowing them access to submit news releases and events, keep their membership listing up to date, participate in the Chamber Discount Card Program, register and pay for events and invoices securely online, post job vacancies, access Chamber publication and more!

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